Supercharge Saturday #2: Digital Literacy Edition

Posted by James Tombado on Sat, Apr 7, 2018 1:22 PM. Filed under: Blog  

Supercharge Saturday is back after a bit of a hiatus! We're kick-starting the second quarter of 2018 with some of our most favorite content about digital literacy. 

Most of us are guilty of spending our waking hours staring into screens and scrolling endlessly through our news feeds, but does that mean we are digitally literate? 

Cornell University defines Digital Literacy as "the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet". Continue reading to boost your digital literacy and become a more valuable professional!

Learn Lessons on Effective Emailing from the Late Steve Jobs

We receive and send hundreds of emails in a week, but most of them go ignored. Worse, your carelessly written emails may even start miscommunications and arguments. Follow Steve Jobs's examples in writing emails that get results. 

Don't Be A Victim of Fake News

Facebook has become more than just a way to connect to our friends online. In recent years, it has also become a major news source for those who can't be bothered to turn on the TV or get a newspaper subscription. 

With the ease in creating and sharing content on Facebook, it's no wonder that the social media platform has also turned into a hotbed for misinformation. Facebook recently rolled out new tools to check the credibility of articles to its US users. These features will be made available to more countries soon, but for the meanwhile you can also arm yourself with tips from this infographic courtesy of The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

Start Your Vlogging Career

Vlogs are a great way to express yourself and share expertise on certain topics. It's also a good way to hone your communication and technical skills. Whether you just want to produce videos to entertain friends or build your very own multi-million media empire from scratch, the rules are the same: create a solid brand before you even shoot your first video. 

Follow this guide from, and you may just be the next viral video sensation!

That's all for this edition of Supercharge Saturday! We hope you have a productive and enjoyable weekend ahead!